Dedicated to bring clinically relevant test at a rapid pace to enable affordable high-quality diagnostics to every individual.
We continually innovate to provide high quality and convenient services.
Vibrant America is at the forefront of modern medicine. Our technology was developed out of passion for better medicine, and we believe that automation is the key to high-quality and accurate test results. Multiplexing tests on a single sample enable a fast turnaround time.
Vibrant strives to become the leader in autoimmune diagnostics. We are committed to providing the best services and a clinically relevant menu of testing options to accommodate healthcare providers and their patients.
Our online portal is easily accessible to providers and patients. It helps you to order tests, views the progress of results in real-time, review tests, and send & receive messages directly. You can also chart notes and easily run various trending reports. We have built-in tools to see your progress over time and included test interpretation to help you understand results.